As of December 20, 2024, forty US Catholic religious organizations have sought bankruptcy protection in chapter 11. Twenty-five cases have concluded. Fifteen cases are pending. This archive contains: 1) three articles by Penn State Law professor Marie T. Reilly; 2) summaries of case information and outcomes; 3) summaries of information about Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Programs (IRCP’s) implemented by dioceses organized by state; 4) plans and disclosure statements; and 5) other key documents from the dockets of these bankruptcy cases organized by debtor in chronological order by date of filing.
Diocese of Santa Rosa, CA (2023)
Committee's Motion re: Survivor Statements, In re Diocese of Santa Rosa
Debtor's Statement in Support of Survivor Statements, In re Diocese of Santa Rosa
LMI's Objection to Survivor Statements, In re Diocese of Santa Rosa
Insurer's Objection to Survivor Statements, In re Diocese of Santa Rosa
Committee's Reply re: Survivor Statements, In re Diocese of Santa Rosa
Order re: Survivor Statements, In re Diocese of Santa Rosa
Diocese of Oakland, CA (2023)
Oakland Petition, In re Diocese of Oakland
Debtor's Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Oakland
Debtor's Plan, In re Diocese of Oakland
Trustee's Objection to Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Oakland
Committee's Objection to Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Oakland
Committee's Objection to OPF's Claim, In re Diocese of Oakland
Committee's Motion Derivative Standing Insurance, In re Diocese of Oakland
Debtor's Reply to Trustee's Objection to Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Oakland
Debtor's Objection to Committee's Motion for Derivative Standing, In re Diocese of Oakland
Debtor's Amended Plan, In re Diocese of Oakland
Debtor's Amended Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Oakland
Committee's Reply Motion for Derivative Standing, In re Diocese of Oakland
Debtor's Motion re: Global Mediation, In re Diocese of Oakland
Committee's Objection to Debtor's Motion re: Global Settlement, In re Diocese of Oakland
Pacific Insurers Response to Debtor's Motion re: Global Mediation, In re Diocese of Oakland
Debtor's Reply re: Its Motion re: Global Mediation, In re Diocese of Oakland
Diocese of Ogdensburg, NY (2023)
Petition, In re Diocese of Ogdensburg
Diocese of San Francisco (2023)
Petition, In re Archdiocese of San Francisco
Committee Motion for Survivor Statement Status Conference, In re Diocese of San Francisco
Insurer's Response and Reservation of Rights re: Survivor Statements, In re Diocese of San Francisco
Order Granting Application for Survivor Statement Status Conferences, In re Diocese of San Francisco
Order Setting Status Conference re: Survivor Statements, In re Diocese of San Francisco
Order Granting Survivor Statement Hearing, In re Diocese of San Francisco
Committee Motion for Disclosure, In re Diocese of San Francisco
Debtor's Objection to Committee Motion re: Credibly Accused List, In re Diocese of San Francisco
Committee Reply to Motion for Disclosure, In re Diocese of San Francisco
Archdiocese of Baltimore (2023)
Petition, In re Archdiocese of Baltimore
Baltimore Committee's Application to Employ BRG, In re Archdiocese of Baltimore
Baltimore Proof of Claim, In re Archdiocese of Baltimore
Creditors' Committee Request to Present Claimant Statements to Court Off Record, In re Archdiocese of Baltimore
Archdiocese's Statement in Support of Creditors' Request for Off Record Claimant Statements, In re Archdiocese of Baltimore
Order Granting Committee Request to Reserve Time Survivor Statements, In re Archdiocese of Baltimore
Adversary Case re: Insurance, In re Archdiocese of Baltimore
Hartford's Statement re: Employment of Committee Professionals, In re Archdiocese of Baltimore
Insurer's Motion to Dismiss Adversary, In re Archdiocese of Baltimore
Joint Motion for Mediation, In re Archdiocese of Baltimore
Insurers' Objection to Mediation, In re Archdiocese of Baltimore
Other Insurers' Objection to Mediation, In re Archdiocese of Baltimore
Debtor's Response to Insurers' Motion to Dismiss, In re Archdiocese of Baltimore
Certain Insurers' Objection to OCC's Motion to Intervene in Adversary Proceeding, In re Archdiocese of Baltimore
Insurer's Objection to Fees and Appointment of Fee Examiner, In re Archdiocese of Baltimore
CVA Supreme Court Ruling, In re Archdiocese of Baltimore
Franciscan Friars of California (2023)
Franciscan Friar's Petition, In re Franciscan Friars of California
Diocese of Sacramento (2024)
Petition, In re Diocese of Sacramento
First Day Declaration - McNamara, In re Diocese of Sacramento
Cash Management Motion, In re Diocese of Sacramento
First Day Declaration - Greene, In re Diocese of Sacramento
Committee's Motion for Survivor Statement Hearing, In re Diocese of Sacramento
Insurer's Objection to Survivor Statement Status Conference, In re Diocese of Sacramento
Debtor's Non-Opposition to Survivor Statements, In re Diocese of Sacramento
Committee's Response to Objection re: Survivor Statements, In re Diocese of Sacramento
Order re: Survivor Statements, In re Diocese of Sacramento
Diocese of San Diego (2024)
Petition, In re Diocese of San Diego
Debtor's Declaration in Support of Petition, In re Diocese of San Diego
Diocese of Burlington, VT (2024)
Burlington, VT Petition, In re Diocese of Burlington, VT
Burlington, VT Affidavit, In re Diocese of Burlington, VT