As of December 20, 2024, forty US Catholic religious organizations have sought bankruptcy protection in chapter 11. Twenty-five cases have concluded. Fifteen cases are pending. This archive contains: 1) three articles by Penn State Law professor Marie T. Reilly; 2) summaries of case information and outcomes; 3) summaries of information about Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Programs (IRCP’s) implemented by dioceses organized by state; 4) plans and disclosure statements; and 5) other key documents from the dockets of these bankruptcy cases organized by debtor in chronological order by date of filing.
Catholic Dioceses in Bankruptcy, Marie T. Reilly
Retribution Against Catholic Dioceses by Revival: The Evolution and Legacy of the New York Child Victims Act Claims Revival Window, Marie T. Reilly
Now and at the Hour of Our Debt: Catholic Dioceses in Bankruptcy, Marie T. Reilly
Diocese of Rockville Centre Pioneers a Global Resolution for Itself, Its 136 Parishes, and its Settling Insurers Post-Purdue, Corinne Ball, Todd R. Geremia, Ben Rosenblum, and Eric P. Stephens
IRCP Information, Lisa Cumming
A: Case Information, Marie T. Reilly
B: Outcomes of Cases, Marie T. Reilly
Archdiocese of Portland, OR (2004)
Portland Disclosure Statement, In re Roman Catholic Archbishop of Portland in Oregon
Portland Plan, In re Roman Catholic Archbishop of Portland in Oregon
Confirmation of Third Amended Plan, In re Roman Catholic Archbishop of Portland in Oregon
Diocese of Tucson, AZ (2004)
Tucson Plan, In re Roman Catholic Church of the Diocese of Tucson
Tucson Disclosure Statement, In re Roman Catholic Church of the Diocese of Tucson
Confirmation of Third Amended Plan, In re Roman Catholic Church of the Diocese of Tucson
Diocese of Spokane, WA (2004)
Spokane Plan and Disclosure Statement, In re The Catholic Bishop of Spokane
Confirmation of Second Amended Plan, In re The Catholic Bishop of Spokane
Diocese of Davenport, IA (2006)
Amended Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Davenport
Second Amended Plan, In re Diocese of Davenport
Confirmation of Second Amended Plan, In re Diocese of Davenport
Diocese of San Diego, CA (2007)
Order Dismissing Case, In re Roman Catholic Bishop of San Diego
Diocese of Fairbanks, Alaska (2008)
Declaration of Bishop Kettler, In re Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska
Debtor's Response to UCC's Motion, In re Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska
UCC's Motion to Sue Parishes and Holy See, In re Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska
UCC's Objection to Extension of Exclusivity, In re Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska
Hearing Transcript on UCC's Motion to Sue Parishes, In re Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska
Memorandum Regarding UCC's Motion to Sue Parishes, In re Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska
Order Extending Exclusivity Period for Cause, In re Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska
Third Amended Disclosure Statement, In re Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska
Third Amended Plan, In re Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska
Confirmation of Third Amended Plan and Disclosure Statement, In re Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska
Oregon Province, Society of Jesus (2009)
Amended Disclosure Statement, In re Society of Jesus, Oregon Province
Pahl Declaration, In re Society of Jesus, Oregon Province
Gray Declaration, In re Society of Jesus, Oregon Province
Lockyear Declaration, In re Society of Jesus, Oregon Province
Bellarmine Preparatory School Objection to Second Amended Plan, In re Society of Jesus, Oregon Province
Zawitoski Declaration, In re Society of Jesus, Oregon Province
Reply of Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors to Objection of Bellarmine Preparatory School, In re Society of Jesus, Oregon Province
Atkinson Declaration, In re Society of Jesus, Oregon Province
Koehler Declaration, In re Society of Jesus, Oregon Province
Amended Findings of Fact, In re Society of Jesus, Oregon Province
Plan Attachment - Allocation Plan I, In re Society of Jesus, Oregon Province
Plan Attachment - Trust Agreement, In re Society of Jesus, Oregon Province
Third Amended Plan, In re Society of Jesus, Oregon Province
Second Amended Confirmation Order, In re Society of Jesus, Oregon Province
Diocese of Wilmington, DE (2009)
Amended Disclosure Statement, In re Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
Exhibit 1 to Confirmation, In re Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
Exhibit A to Amended Disclosure Statement, In re Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
Exhibit 2 to Confirmation, In re Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
Exhibit A to Second Amended Plan, In re Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
Underwriters at Lloyds Objection, In re Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
Norbertine Fathers Objection, In re Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
Premonstratensian Fathers Objection, In re Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
Comments of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors Regarding Confirmation of the Second Amended Plan, In re Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
Abuse Survivors Objection, In re Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
Wiggins Objection to Confirmation, In re Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
Debtor's Reply to Objections, In re Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
Wiggins Supplemental Objection, In re Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
Confirmation Order of Second Amended Plan, In re Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
Conformed Second Amended Plan, In re Catholic Diocese of Wilmington
Archdiocese of Milwaukee, WI (2011)
Complaint for Declaratory Judgment, In re Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Fourth Amended Disclosure Statement, In re Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Schmidt Objection to Plan, In re Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Second Amended Reorganization Plan, In re Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Reply of Archdiocese for Objection, In re Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Confirmation of Second Amended Plan, In re Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Opinion denying Wis. AG's Motion to Unseal, In re Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Christian Brothers of Ireland, New York (2011)
First Amended Plan, In re The Christian Brothers' Institute
First Amended Disclosure Statement, In re The Christian Brothers' Institute
Pacific Indemnity Objection to First Amended Plan, In re The Christian Brothers' Institute
Interstate Fire Objection to First Amended Plan, In re The Christian Brothers' Institute
Canandaigua National Bank and Trust Statement Regarding First Amended Plan, In re The Christian Brothers' Institute
Objection of the Corporation of the Catholic Archbishop of Seattle, Party-in-Interest, In re The Christian Brothers' Institute
Aetna Objection to First Amended Plan, In re The Christian Brothers' Institute
Maryland Casualty Objection to First Amended Plan, In re The Christian Brothers' Institute
Hanover Insurance Objection to First Amended Plan, In re The Christian Brothers' Institute
Reply to Objections to First Amended Plan, In re The Christian Brothers' Institute
Confirmation Order, In re The Christian Brothers' Institute
Diocese of Gallup, NM (2014)
Second Amended Plan, In re Roman Catholic Church of the Diocese of Gallup
First Amended Disclosure Statement, In re Roman Catholic Church of the Diocese of Gallup
Confirmation Order, In re Roman Catholic Church of the Diocese of Gallup
Diocese of Stockton, CA (2014)
Amended Disclosure Statement, In re Roman Catholic Bishop of Stockton
Amended Plan, In re Roman Catholic Bishop of Stockton
Findings of Fact Regarding Plan, In re Roman Catholic Bishop of Stockton
Corrected Confirmation Order, In re Roman Catholic Bishop of Stockton
Diocese of Helena, MT (2014)
First Amended Disclosure Statement, In re Roman Catholic Bishop of Helena, Montana
Second Amended Plan, In re Roman Catholic Bishop of Helena, Montana
Confirmation Order, In re Roman Catholic Bishop of Helena, Montana
Findings of Fact, In re Roman Catholic Bishop of Helena, Montana
Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, MN (2015)
Confidential Class 6 Ballot, In re Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Debtor's First Amended Plan, In re Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Debtor's First Amended Disclosure Statement, In re Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Supplement to the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors' Plan of Reorganization, In re Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Joinder of the Parish Group to the Objection of the Official Committee of Parish Unsecured Creditors to the Confirmation of the Chapter 11 Plan of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, In re Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Objection of the Official Committee of Parish Creditors to Confirmation of the Chapter 11 Plan of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, In re Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors's Objection to Debtor's Plan, In re Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Debtor's Omnibus Response to Objections, In re Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Order Denying Confirmation of Debtor's Plan, In re Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Order Denying Confirmation of the Committee of Unsecured Creditors' Plan, In re Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Joint Memorandum to Orders Denying Confirmation of Plans, In re Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, In re Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Second Amended Disclosure Statement for the Joint Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization of the Archdiocese of Saint Pail and Minneapolis, In re Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis