As of September 2024, forty US Catholic religious organizations have sought bankruptcy protection in chapter 11. Twenty-four cases have concluded. Sixteen cases are pending. This archive contains: 1) three articles by Penn State Law professor Marie T. Reilly; 2) summaries of case information and outcomes; 3) summaries of information about Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Programs (IRCP’s) implemented by dioceses organized by state; 4) plans and disclosure statements; and 5) other key documents from the dockets of these bankruptcy cases organized by debtor in chronological order by date of filing.
Archdiocese of New Orleans, LA (2020)
Order Appointing Expert Witness Advisor, In re Archdiocese of New Orleans
Debtor's Plan, In re Archdiocese of New Orleans
Debtor's Disclosure Statement, In re Archdiocese of New Orleans
Creditors Committee Plan, In re Archdiocese of New Orleans
Diocese of St. Cloud, MN (2020)
Petition, in re Diocese of St. Cloud
Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of St. Cloud
Second Amended Plan, in re Diocese of St. Cloud
Order Confirming Plan, in re Diocese of St. Cloud
Diocese of Syracuse, NY (2020)
Debtor's Motion for Bar Date, In re Diocese of Syracuse
OCC's Objection to Bar Date Motion, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Arrowood's Joinder Objection to Debtor's Bar Date Motion, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Debtor's Response re: Bar Date Motion, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Bar Date Order, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Adversary Action by Debtor and Parishes re: Insurance, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Debtor's Objection to OCC's Motion to Extend the Bar Date, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Debtor's Omnibus Reply to Objections to Motion for Mediation Conference, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Order Approving Mediation Conference and Fees, In re Diocese of Syracuse
OCC's Supplement to Application to Employ Insurance Counsel, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Debtor's Motion for Supplemental Bar Date Audit Claims, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Order Granting Debtor's Motion for Supplemental Bar Date, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Insurer's Omnibus Reply re: Motion for Claim Objection Procedures, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Joint Plan of Reorganization, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Plan Supplement and Liquidation Analysis, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Trustee's Objections to Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Interstate Insurer's Objection to Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Travelers Insurance Objection to Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Debtor's Reply to Objection to Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Syracuse
OCC's Omnibus Reply to Objection to Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Order Denying Approval of Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Other Insurers' Objection to Amended Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Trustee's Objection to Amended Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Joint Omnibus Reply by Defendant and OCC to Objection to Amended Disclosure, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Order re: Objection to Amended Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Insurer's Objection to 2nd Amended Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Syracuse Debtor's Third Amended Plan, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Disclosure Statement 3rd Amended Plan, In re Diocese of Syracuse
LMI's Brief re: Insutancec Neutrality, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Certain Insurer's Bried re: Insurance Neutrality 3d Amended Plan, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Order Approving Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY (2020)
Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Order Implementing Certain Notice and Case Management Procedures, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Debtor's Motion to Establish Deadlines for Filing Proofs of Claim, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
LMI's Response to Debtor's Motion Establishing Proofs of Claims Deadlines, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
IFCC's Joinder in LMI's Response to Debtor's Motion for Establishing Deadlines, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
AIIC's Joinder in LMI's Response to Diocese's Motion Establishing Deadlines, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors' (A) Objection to the Motion of the Debtor for an Order Establishing Deadlines for Filing Proofs of Claim and Granting Related Relief and (B) Response to LMI's Response to the Motion, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
AIIC's Limited Objection Debtor's Motion for Order Establishing Deadlines for Filing, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
All's Limited Objection to Debtor's Motion to Establish Deadlines for Filing Proofs of Claim, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors' Reply in Support of the Debtor's Proposed Sexual Abuse Proof of Claim, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
LMI's Reply to the Committee's (A) Objection to the Motion of the Debtor for an Order Establishing Deadlines for Filing Proofs of Claim and Granting Related Relief and (B) Response to LMI's Response to the Motion, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
IFCC's Joinder in Reply to LMI's Reply to Committee's Objection and Response to LMI's Motion, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Order Granting Motion of Unsecured Creditors' Committee to Intervene, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Debtor's Motion Extending Exclusive Periods to File C11 Plan, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Debtor's Omnibus Reply in Support of Debtor's Motion for Establishing Deadlines for Filing Proofs of Claim, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Order Extending Debtor's Exclusive Periods to File C11 Plan, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Confidentiality Agreement and Protective Order Between Debtor and Committee of Unsecured Creditors, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Order Establishing Deadlines for Filing Proofs of Claim, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Committee of Unsecured Creditors' Motion Authorizing Examinations and Production of Documents, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Debtor's Objection to Motion by the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors for Entry of an Order Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 2004 Authorizing Examinations and Production of Documents, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Debtor's Objection to Motion by the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors for Entry of an Order Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 2004 Authorizing Examinations and Production of Documents, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Amended Joint Stipulation and Agreed Order Granting Limited Relief from Stay, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Joint Stipulation and Protective Order Concerning Production of Report of Independent Advisory Committee Appointed by the Board of Trustees of the Debtor to the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Order granting Insurer’s Motion for Withdrawal of the Reference dated Sept. 7, 2021, In re Diocese of Rockville-Centre
OCC's Disclosure Statement for the First Amended Chapter 11 Plan, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
OCC's Amended Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Committee's Motion to Dismiss Case, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Adversary CemCo Fraud Transfer, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Debtor's Objection to Committee's Motion, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Committee's Reply re: Motion to Dismiss Case, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Diocese's Petition to Consolidate PI Claims, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Order Denying Committee's Motion to Intervene, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Oder Denying Appeal Successor Liability, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Debtor's Letter to Court re: Mediation, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Debtor's First Amended Disclosure Statement, In reDiocesse of Rockville Centre
First Amended Chapter 11 Plan, In reDiocesse of Rockville Centre
Debtor's First Amended Plan, In reDiocesse of Rockville Centre
Disclosure Statement First Amended Plan, In reDiocesse of Rockville Centre
Modified First Amended Chapter 11 Plan, In reDiocesse of Rockville Centre
Committee's Motion re: Priest Personnel Records, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Insurer's Objection to Debtor's First Amended Disclosure Statement, In reDiocesse of Rockville Centre
Trustee's Objection to Debtor's First Amended Disclosure Statement, In reDiocesse of Rockville Centre
Debtor's Objection to Committee's Motion re: Priest Personnel Records, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Debtor's Reply to Objections to Approval of Disclosure Statement for First Amended Plan, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Committee's Motion for Further Disclosure, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Amended Confidentiality Agreement and Protective Order, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Debtor's 4th Amended Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Debtor's Response to Committee's Motion for Disclosure, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Amended Plan Supplement 4th Amended 1st Modified Plan with TDP, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Fifth Amended Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Fourth Modified First Amended Plan, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Committee's Letter Urging Rejection of Plan, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Debtor's Motion to Dismiss Case, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Response to Motion to Dismiss of Future Claims Representative, In re Diocese of Syracuse
Creditors' Objection to Dismissal, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Debtor's Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Debtor's Plan of Reorganization, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Debtor's Disclosure Statement, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Revised Plan, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Plan Supplement General Release Agreement, In re Diocese of Rockville Centre
Diocese of Camden, NJ (2020)
Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy, In re Diocese of Camden