Dickinson Journal of International Law
Front Matter
The Strategic Defense Initiative and the Militarization of Space: Scientific Responsibility and Citizen Resistance
Matthew Lippman
The Export-Import Bank of the United States' Battle Against Subsidized Export Credits
Dean C. Alexander
The Law v. the IRA: The Effect of Extradition Between the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and the United States in Combatting the IRA
Timothy J. Duffy
The International Exportation of Waste: The Battle Against the Path of Least Resistance
Kenda Jo M. McCrory
The Flying Dutchman Dichotomy: The International Right to Leave v. The Sovereign Right to Exclude
Suzanne McGrath Dale
When Rights Fall in a Forest . . The Ker-Frisbie Doctrine and American Judicial Countenance of Extraterritorial Abductions and Torture
H. Moss Crystle