Penn State International Law Review
Front Matter
Proceedings of the International Academy of Commercial and Consumer Law 15th Biennial Meeting - Preface
Louis Del Duca and Gianluca Gentili
Jan Ramberg
International Sales Law-The Actual Practice
Ingeborg Schwenzer and Christopher Kee
Corporate Business: Comparative Analysis of the Argentine Cooperation Consortium and the New Colombian Corporation Law
Raul Etcheverry
Japanese Corporate Governance: Behind Legal Norms
Caslav Pejovic
Global Financial Transactions and Jurisdictional Fragmentation: Inconsistent Decisions by Leading Trans-Atlantic Courts
Agasha Mugasha
Statutory Rules, Common Law Rules and Public Policy in the Global Financial Crisis
Sarah Worthington and Grainne Mellon
International Arbitration and Multinational Insolvency
Jay Lawrence Westbrook
Online Small Claim Dispute Resolution Developments-Progress on a Soft Law for Cross-Border Consumer Sales
Colin Rule, Louis F. Del Duca, and Daniel Nagel