Penn State International Law Review
Front Matter
Louis F. Del Duca
The Implementation of the EU Consumer Protection Directives in Turkey
Yesim M. Atamer and Hans W. Micklitz
Consumers and New Technologies: Information Requirements in E-Commerce and New Contracting Practices in the Internet
Immaculada Barral
Legal Efficiency for Secured Transactions Reform: Bridging the Gap Between Economic Analysis and Legal Reasoning
Frederique Dahan and John Simpson
Achieving Optimal Use of Harmonization Techniques In an Increasingly Interrelated Twenty-First Century World of Consumer Sales: Moving the EU Harmonization Process to a Global Plane
Louis F. Del Duca, Albert H. Kritzer, and Daniel Nagel
Personal Property Security Law Reform in Australia and New Zealand: The Impetus for Change
Anthony Duggan and Michael Gedye
Current Approaches Towards Harmonization of Consumer Private International Law in the Americas
Diego P. Fernandez Arroyo
Payment Transactions Under the EU Payment Services Directive: A U.S. Comparative Perspective
Benjamin Geva
The Emerging Legal Concept of Investment
Mary E. Hiscock
Factoring in Israel
Shalom Lerner
Recent Developments in Japanese Consumer Law
Kunihiro Nakata
Commercial Arbitration: Its Harmonization in International Treaties, Regional Treaties and Internal Law
Elvia Arcelia Quintana Adriano
Transnational Consumer Law-Reality or Fiction?
Norbert Reich
Priority Conflicts as a Barrier to Cooperation in Multinational Insolvencies
Jay Lawrence Westbrook
Made in China: Who Bears the Loss and Why?
Elizabeth Ann Hunt