Penn State Environmental Law Review
Front Matter
Local Solutions for Global Problems: The Debate over the Causes and Effects of Climate Change and Emerging Mitigation Strategies for States, Localities an Private Parties
Robert B. McKinstry Jr., Esq.
Laboratories for Local Solutions for Global Problems: State, Local and Private Leadership in Developing Strategies to Mitigate the Causes and Effects of Climate Change
Robert B. McKinstry Jr., Esq.
Impacts of Global Warming: The Mid-Atlantic Regional Assessment (MARA) Process and Findings
Ann Fisher
What Are the Impacts of Global Warming on U.S. Forests, Regions, and the U.S. Timber Industry
Roger A. Sedjo and Brent Sohngen
Climate Change and Pennsylvania Agriculture
David Abler, James Shortle, and Ann Fisher
The Importance of Expressly Examining Global Warming Policy Issues through an Ethical Prism
Donald A. Brown
Primary Sources of Greenhouse Gases: A Cross-Scale Comparison
Brent Yarnal and Rob Neff
Toward a Climate Change Strategy for Pennsylvania
John C. Dernback
The City of Philadelphia - The Government and Community Work Together to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Judith Samans-Dunn
From Rome to Nice: A Historical Profile of the Evolution of European Environmental Law
Noa Vardi and Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich
Pennsylvania anti-SLAPP Legislation
Sheri Coover