This Comment will examine the domestic legislation of and the treaties between the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, and the United States which provide for the extradition of fugitive offenders. This Comment will begin with an examination of the extradition law of the three states in its traditional form, that is, as recognized before the start in 1969 of the IRA's terrorist campaign. It will continue by discussing the reasons this law was an ineffective tool against the IRA, and how this failure was the impetus for the evolution of extradition law between the three states. The treaties and legislation specifically aimed at combatting terrorism, drafted in response to the failure of traditional extradition law, will then be examined. This Comment will conclude by evaluating the effectiveness of these instruments as used against the IRA.
Recommended Citation
Timothy J. Duffy, The Law v. the IRA: The Effect of Extradition Between the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and the United States in Combatting the IRA, 9 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 293 (1991).