The purpose of this Note is four-fold. First, it seeks to articulate the central concepts underlying taxation of nonresidents and residents. In so doing, the discussion endeavors to show the importance of section 7701(b) of the Internal Revenue Code. Second, it attempts to cancas the case law and pertinent regulations and rulings and highlight the ambiguities therein. Third, the discussion will address the essential features of section 7701(b) and illustrate Congress' new approach to the problem of determining resident status for aliens. Finally, the policy implications of 7701(b) are examined and suggestions for further improvement are made.
Recommended Citation
Rolf E. Kroll, Internal Revenue Code Section 7701(b): A More Certain Definition of Resident, 3 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 233 (1985).
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International Law Commons, Taxation-Federal Commons, Tax Law Commons