"For Better or Worse: Surviving Divorce Through Alternative Dispute Res" by Teleicia J. Rose

First Paragraph

The increase in the use and prevalence of arbitration agreements in commercial transactions has informed recent state legislative changes to family law procedures, specifically issues arising out of divorce proceedings. The exponential increased use of arbitration in commercial and labor litigation has been attributed to the enactment of the Uniform Arbitration Act (UAA), and the UAA has served as the framework for expanding the reach of arbitration into the area of family law. The UAA has been instrumental in the widespread use of arbitration. Thirty-five jurisdictions have adopted the UAA in its entirety; with another fourteen jurisdictions have enacting substantively similar legislation. In response to some particluarized problems arising from the vagueness of the UAA and in an attempt to codify the vast amount of state decisional law interpreting both the UAA and the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), the Revised niform Arbitration Act (RUAA) was promulgated in 2000. The RUAA is a modernized version of the UAA with expanded procedural provisions and thirteen states have adopted the RUAA in its entirety.



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