"Enhanced Dispute Resolution Through the Use of Information Technology" by Garret Brouwer


Garret Brouwer

First Paragraph

The invention of computers and the internet changed the world as we knew it. Everything from shopping to politics has been affected. People all over the world can connect with the click of a mouse, sharing vast amounts of information and goods. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is one field that has benefited greatly from technological advances of the past twenty years. In a world that emphasizes speed and efficiency, ADR is seen by many as an ideal alternative to litigation. When an E-Bay transaction has gone wrong, the ability to resolve it in a few weeks through an online arbitrator, and at minimal cost, is much more appealing to an online consumer than hiring a lweyer and going to court. The concepts of Online Dispute Resolution and the use of information systems to assist in negotiations are still relatively new to society and legal professionals. Few rules have been established. Authors Arno R. Lodder and John Zeleznikow delve into the subject in their book Enhanced Dispute Resolution Through the Use of Information Technology. These authors address three major areas: the law as it pertains to online ADR and the use of information systems in negotiation; the technology available to lawyers in practice or researchers interested in studying dispute resolution; and the efficient use of available systems while maintaining legal and ethical safeguards. Both authors are from outside the United States, so they focus heavily on European and Australian methods of dispute resolution. Arno R. Lodder is an associate professor at the Computer/Law Institute of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and directs the Centre of Electronic Dispute Resolution. John Zeleznikow is a professor and researcher in Australia, at Victoria University's Laboratory of Decision Support and Dispute Management.



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