This article attempts to present each piece of legislation completely and individually in answer to the practical need to know what the law is, and what it requires. Yet, these measures also constitute significant elements in a monumental project, and thus the article will also indicate how each piece fits into the whole developing framework of a European law of business organizations. The first section will discuss the Community's ongoing efforts to harmonize the company law of the Member States, using the recently adopted Twelfth Council Company Law Directive as an example. This first section will distinguish the project of harmonization from the enactment of supranational legislation. The second section will address the regulation that establishes the European Economic Interest Grouping. The third section will examine the controversial European Company Law Statute.
Recommended Citation
David C. Donald, Company Law in the European Community: Toward Supranational Incorporation, 9 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 1 (1991).