The purpose of this Comment is to examine the role of the Sicilian Mafia in transporting heroin to the United States as well as to evaluate the combined efforts of the American and Italian governments in their attempt to end the heroin problem. Section II will explore the background of the Mafia heroin shipments to the United States, including the Mafia's method of transporting heroin into America and the impact of trafficking such large amounts of heroin. Section III will examine the cooperative programs such as delegations and the bilateral treaty between Italy and the United States, and will evaluate the effectiveness of such efforts. Finally, Section IV will discuss the needs for and the benefits of utilizing the Italian- American program as a role model in combatting the international drug trafficking problems between other countries and the United States.
Recommended Citation
Theresa M. Catino, Italian and American Cooperative Efforts to Reduce Heroin Trafficking: A Role Model for the United States and Drug- Supplying Foreign Nations, 8 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 415 (1990).