Prior to 1982, the provision in the Court's Statute for chambers of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) was practically a dead letter. Recently, however, the attitude of litigant States has significantly changed. So far three judgments have been rendered by ad hoc chambers and one other case is actually pending before this chamber. Due to the enlarged practice of the Court, the interest in the literature has recently increased to a considerable extent.
Nevertheless, some questions have not yet been dealt with, such as the relation between the chamber procedure and intervening States and the delimitation of the competencies between the full Court (and its President) and the chamber. Therefore, it is worthwhile dealing with these and other problems in view of the future litigation before such chambers.
Recommended Citation
Andreas Zimmermann, Ad Hoc Chambers of the International Court of Justice, 8 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 1 (1989).