First Paragraph
In 2000, a millionaire, Ye Ruiding, died in Hangzhou and left his entire estate, including his real property, paintings, and personal property, to the nurse who had taken care of him for eight years before his death. Mr. Ye had two adult daughters but left nothing to them. The daughters took two of their father's paintings and alleged that his will was invalid. The nurse, Wu Juying, filed a suit against the two daughters, claiming that the will was valid and that the paintings belonged to Ms. Wu. In July 2000, a trial court found that the will was properly executed because Mr. Ye was mentally competent and was not under undue influence when he executed the will. Therefore, the court held that the will was valid and the daughters should return the paintings to Ms. Wu. After the daughters appealed, the Court of Appeals in Hangzhou affirmed the trial court's decision, and stated that because the will was properly executed and there was no evidence of mental incapacity or undue influence, Mr. Ye had the testamentary freedom to dispose of his estate under the Inheritance Law of the People's Republic of China ("P.R.C. Inheritance Law").
Recommended Citation
Ya-Hui Hsu, Should China Adopt Taiwan's Mandatory Share Doctrine?, 29 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 289 (2010).