First Paragraph
The role of educating students is central to the mission of law schools. Law schools provide the intellectual foundation and doctrinal knowledge for their students to gain eventual admission to the practicing profession. In most if not all jurisdictions, a law degree in itself will not entitle a graduate to be admitted to practice. However, many jurisdictions require individuals who wish to be lawyers to earn a recognized law degree before taking the requisite bar examination, or before spending a mandatory length of time in practical training under the guidance of a member of the legal profession. While the educational mission of law schools is their raison d'etre, law schools also discharge a number of other roles, and this paper will discuss three of them. Of these, research is widely regarded as the most important. The roles of capacity building and community service will also be discussed.
Recommended Citation
Cheng-Han Tan, The Goals and Objectives of Law Schools Beyond Educating Students: Research, Capacity Building, Community Service-The National University of Singapore School of Law Experience, 29 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 67 (2010).