First Paragraph
This is the second opportunity the Penn State International Law Review has had to publish the papers from an international conference of the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers (APRL). The first Penn State International Law Review Global Legal Practice Symposium published papers from APRL's international conference in Florence. This Global Legal Practice Symposium includes papers presented at APRL's Fifth International Conference, which was held in May 2008 in Amsterdam. I am very pleased to have a second opportunity to write a "Foreword" for this collaboration between the Penn State International Law Review and APRL. As was true at the time of the 2004 Penn State International Law Review Symposium, transnational practice has progressed at a far greater pace than its regulation. Moreover, although there is much more commentary now about global legal practice issues than there was in 2004, transnational legal practice has continued to evolve at a pace that exceeds the commentary. The speakers at the May 2008 APRL conference in Amsterdam, like the speakers at the prior APRL Florence conference, were international practitioners, academics, regulators and bar leaders who are grappling with cutting-edge issues that concern global legal practice. I am very pleased that so many authors agreed to contribute to this Symposium so that their important observations and insights can be shared with a larger audience.
Recommended Citation
Laurel S. Terry, Foreword, 27 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 269 (2008).