First Paragraph
In recent years, there has been a strong tendency for Korean law students and professionals to study in the United States, despite staggering tuition cost. Some scholars still choose to pursue studies in Germany, but they are primarily academics who are interested in teaching about continental law or civil legal systems. Korea is a civil law country, and there will continue to be a demand for legal scholars with expertise in civil legal systems, but the pervasive influence of American law has made studying in the States a more attractive and productive option for most law students and legal professionals. The American influence on corporation law, international trade and investment law, bankruptcy, maritime and insurance law, intellectual property law, banking and securities regulation, and antitrust and competition laws has been profound in Korea. Many statutes in these areas have been modeled on the corresponding statutes in the United States. This influence on domestic Korean law, combined with the strong U.S. influence on international trade laws, has been both a product of, and an impetus for, the increase in Korean law students studying in the United States.
Recommended Citation
Sang-Hyun Song, Korean Students In U.S. Law Schools and Foreign Students at Seoul National University Law School, 18 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 467 (2000).