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Your Honor the Minister of Justice, Mr. Guigou, ladies and gentlemen, and representatives of the bar associations of each of the countries, my name is Shigeru Kobori, and I am President of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations ("JFBA"). It is truly a pleasure and a privilege for me to represent the JFBA and to have been given an opportunity to welcome you to this Forum on Transnational Practice for the Legal Profession. In collaboration with the American Bar Association ("ABA") and the Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Community ("CCBE"), the JFBA called upon 37 bar associations including all of the OECD member countries and 7 major international legal organizations. As a result of our efforts, today we have the pleasure of having the attendance of representatives from many bar associations, legal organizations and government representatives. I believe that this Paris Forum will be a very important meeting, which will become a milestone to be remembered in the history of legal profession in the world.
Recommended Citation
Shigeru Kobori, Remarks of Shigeru Kobori, 18 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 51 (1999).