First Paragraph
What was it that tugged tourists away from their adventures and to the steps of the High Court of Canada? It was a recent Canadian Supreme Court decision. As the Peace Tower chimed "0 Canada," the Court released its opinion holding that Quebec cannot secede unilaterally from Canada. After decades of attempted secession, Quebec presented it to the Supreme Court. One might expect that the Quebecois would be hanging their heads after being denied again. This time, Quebec's hunt for independence was rejected by the Supreme Court. Surprisingly, however, the citizens of Quebec claimed victory. The unfavorable decision only fueled the fire for independence.
Recommended Citation
Elizabeth L. Wiltanger, Sound the Trumpets! Quebec is Shouting, "Victory!" Despite the Canadian Supreme Court's Denial of Unilateral Secession, 17 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 505 (1999).