First Paragraph
The 1995 United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, brought to the forefront of international attention the difficulty of attaining a unified transnational effort to condemn and punish world-wide injustices. Most are familiar with the trying of war criminals, such as current attempts to bring to justice leaders of the Bosnian Serbs. Unknown to most, however, is the long history of attempts to establish an international criminal court (ICC) to try those accused of crimes, not traditionally defined as war crimes. This article discusses the evolution of the ICC and whether such a court is a realistic option for nations concerned with enforcing criminal justice against transnational criminals. For an ICC to exist and be successful, there must be international support. Therefore, the intent of the drafters must be to create a court and procedures that are acceptable to the nations of the world.
Recommended Citation
Rose M. Karadsheh, Creating an International Criminal Court: Confronting the Conflicting Criminal Procedures of Iran and the United States, 14 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 243 (1996).