First Paragraph
The United Nations was founded on the vision that the international community could create a system of international collective security to prevent the type of aggression that had driven the world to two world wars in less than 30 years. While the Cold War left this vision unfulfilled, the sudden collapse of Soviet communism gave the world a renewed hope that the United Nations might fulfill its promise as a guarantor of the peace. The end of the Cold War created new hopes within the United States as well. After nearly 50 years of global vigilance, the U.S. electorate seemed no longer inclined to assume the role of "global policeman" and hoped instead to concentrate on internal renewal. At the same time, however, a realization existed that isolationism would be impossible and that the United States must somehow remain internationally engaged.
Recommended Citation
James W. Houck, The Commander in Chief and United Nations Charter Article 43: A Case of Irreconcilable Differences?, 12 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 1 (1993).