Loving v. Virginia in a Post-Racial World: Rethinking Race, Sex, and Marriage
Editors: Kevin N. Maillard and Rose C. Villazor
Contributing author: Victor C. Romero
Victor Romero is a contributing author: "Loving Across the Miles: Binational Same-Sex Marriages" pages 217-234.
In 1967, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that laws prohibiting interracial marriage were unconstitutional in Loving vs. Virginia. Although this case promotes marital freedom and racial equality, there are still significant legal and social barriers to the free formation of intimate relationships. Marriage continues to be the sole measure of commitment, mixed relationships continue to be rare, and same-sex marriage is only legal in 6 out of 50 states. Most discussion of Loving celebrates the symbolic dismantling of marital discrimination. This book, however, takes a more critical approach to ask how Loving has influenced the “loving” of America. How far have we come since then, and what effect did the case have on individual lives?
- From the Publisher
Publication Date
Cambridge University Press
New York
interracial marriage, same sex marriage, Loving v. Virginia, marital freedom, racial equality, equality, discrimination
Civil Rights and Discrimination | Constitutional Law
Recommended Citation
Maillard, Kevin Noble; Villazor, Rose Cuison; and Romero, Victor C., "Loving v. Virginia in a Post-Racial World: Rethinking Race, Sex, and Marriage" (2012). Contributions to Books. 4.